What is Guess Papers? Complete Information

I.Com Guess papers 2023 All BISE – Complete Information

Table of Contents


    • What does Guess paper Provides?
    • Why Does Student Need Guess Papers?
    • Shortcuts for Preparation
    • Short Time and Long Syllabus
    • To get Familiar with Paper Pattern
    • Self-Assessment and Practice
    • What is the difference Between Guess papers and Past Papers?
    • What Is the Success Rate of Guess papers?
    • I.Com Guess papers 2023 All BISE
    • I.Com Guess papers 2023 All BISE Subject Wise for Part (I-II)
    • Principle of Accounting
    • Principle of Economics and Commercial Geo.
    • Business Mathematics and Statistics
    • English, Urdu, Islamic and Pakistan Studies


Guess papers are the universal tool which have been very popular among the students from ages. They are used by students of all ages as a helping tool during exam preparation. If we look from the student point of view then it is evident that guess papers are something which cannot be ignored and students are always in the search of useful and helpful guess papers to get successful in exams. So in this informative and interactive article we will find out the significance of Guess papers for students and reason why they are continuously used by students.

What does Guess paper Provides?

Guess Papers are actually a compilation of old question that have been part of previous tests and exams. Guess papers normally contains a data of last five year past papers. On the basis of these last five years questions and data guess papers also provides possible guess material which can be a part of next examination. So, guess papers provides guess prediction of those questions which are expected to appear in the next examination. These recommendations and predictions are made from the education experts and teachers that teach that particular subjects to the students.

Why Does Student Need Guess Papers?

There are multiple reasons which are responsible for the increasing demand of Guess papers from the students. 

  • Shortcuts for Preparation

One most frequently found reason is that most of the students try to take shortcuts for the preparation of exams. They do not like to study whole books thoroughly and decide to prepare through the guess work.

  • Short Time and Long Syllabus

Most of the students suffer from the situation of shorter time before preparation of exams. In this situation guess papers provides a suitable escape plan and provides the material which can help to prepare for exam in less amount of time.

  • To get Familiar with Paper Pattern

Another common reason responsible for the increasing demand of guess papers is the familiarization with the paper pattern. Many competent students buy the guess papers just to get familiar with the paper pattern. Which also has proven very helpful to save the time in the examination hall.

  • Self-Assessment and Practice

Student buy guess papers for the assessment of their personal knowledge and skill. Buying guess papers well before time provides a bird eye of your preparation before exams. Student get to know about their preparation in regard to the important questions. Also solving the guess paper is good for time management preparation before examination. 

What is the difference Between Guess papers and Past Papers?

Guess Papers and past papers are two terms that are interrelated with each other. But one should keep in mind that Guess papers and past papers are two different things. Past papers, as the name indicates is the collection of previous five years exams question record and data, while guess papers are the predictions and guess work which is done by the experts on the basis of past papers. 

What Is the Success Rate of Guess papers?

There are multiple thoughts about the success rate of guess papers and unfortunately, we cannot conclude a clear statement about success rate of Guess papers. Since it is a guess work so sometimes its success rate is on higher side and many times the exam question are total exception from guess papers.

We have discussed the basic concept of guess papers along with its need and factors which are responsible for the increasing demand and significance of guess papers. Now we will discuss about I. Com Guess papers 2023 All BISE.

I.Com Guess papers 2023 All BISE

I.Com Guess papers 2023 All BISE is the compilation of possible anticipated questions that are expected to appear in the next examination. As mentioned in the above-mentioned paragraphs I. Com Guess papers 2023 All BISE are prepared on the basis of last five-year exam data and questions. Experts have formulated I. Com Guess Papers on the basis this analysis and data and predictions which are expected to appear in the next exams. I.Com Guess papers 2023 All BISE is the compilation of papers from Punjab Board, Sindh Board and KPK Board.


I.Com Guess papers 2023 All BISE Subject Wise for Part (I-II)

Principle of Accounting

I.Com Guess papers 2023 All BISE is the set the question that are expected to appear in the next examination about principle of accounting. Since Principle of accounting is the main compulsory subject of I. Com and I. Com Guess papers 2023 All BISE is providing fruitful insights that are very helpful for the exam preparation. 

Principle of Economics and Commercial Geo.

I.Com Guess papers 2023 All BISE also contains guess work for principles of economics and commercial Geo. Based on the last five year past papers, this guess work is very helpful for the preparation of upcoming exams.

Principles of Commerce and Banking 

You can get a complete guess work for principle of commerce and Banking which is again a compulsory subject for I.Com students. This guess paper is very helpful for practicing time management and paper attempt before Principles of Commerce and Banking subject.

Business Mathematics and Statistics

Since math is a difficult subject that is why students are always in the search of a shortcut for the preparation right before examination. So I. Com Guess papers 2023 All BISE is providing useful guess work for the preparation of Business Mathematics and Statistics exam. This guess work is very helpful for reducing the time and effort and provides an opportunity to secure the maximum number in the exam.


English, Urdu, Islamic and Pakistan Studies

Last but not the least, I. Com Guess papers 2023 All BISE is providing guess work for compulsory subjects for English, Urdu, Islamic and Pakistan Studies. These guess papers are also in the demand because many students spend their time and energies during the preparation of other subjects and do not prepare a lot about these common subjects and at the end they go for guess papers for the preparation of exams. 

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