Top 100 Muslim Boy Names

Top 100 Muslim Boy Names

The Top 100 Muslim Boy Names include a variety of traditional, modern, and unique names. Muslim boys names reflect a mix of meanings and cultural significance within the Muslim community.

    1. Abbas: Lion
    2. Abraham: Father of a multitude
    3. Ahmad: The most praised, noble, admirable
    4. Ali: High, elevated, high in rank or champion
    5. Ameer: Prince or ruler
    6. Amjad: Magnificent, glorious
    7. Hussain: Good, handsome, or beautiful
    8. Jamal: Beauty, grace
    9. Kamal: Perfection and excellence
    10. Karim: Generous or noble
    11. Malik: Lord, ruler or master
    12. Ashir: Grateful
    13. Askary: Army or soldier
    14. Atif: Kind, merciful
    15. Ayaan: Future
    16. Azamat: A proud man; grandeur
    17. Bahat: Flawless, pure, and spotless
    18. Basili: Courageous
    19. Baqer: A man of knowledge
    20. Waseem: Beautiful, Hansome, Good Looking, Attractive
    21. Einas: To be at peace
    22. Fardan: The one who is unique
    23. Saad: Felicity. Good Fortune. Good Luck.
    24. Arish: Righteous, Nobel, A Brave Solider
    25. Hamza: Lion, Competent, Brazen, Brave man
    26. Zeeshan: The Glory, Magnificent, High In Dignity
    27. Junaid: A Sufi Saint, Spiritual, Young Fighter, Warrior
    28. Sufian: Fast Moving, Light, Nimble, Companion Of Prophet
    29. Faizan: Great Beneficence, Charity, Favor, Graceful Man
    30. Irfan: Thankfulness. Knowledge. Wisdom.
    31. Adnan: Settler, One Who Settle For A Long Time In A Place, Paradise
    32. Asif: Forgiveness, Strong, Powerful, Fierce
    33. Sahil: Riverbank, Coast, Shore, Guide, Leader
    34. Salman: Safe, secure, peace, Companion, Especially Of Prophet Muhammad
    35. Rohaan: As Pure Spirit, Spiritual, Kindhearted, Compassionate
    36. Taimoor: Self-Made, (made of) Steel, Strong
    37. Rizwan: Acceptance, Good Will, Name Of The Keeper Of The Gates Of Heaven
    38. Danish: Knowledge, Wisdom, Consciousness, Intellect
    39. Umar: Name Of The Second Caliph
    40. Hamdan: Praise Worthy, The Praised One, Variation Of The Name “Muhammad”
    41. Fahad: Panther, Leopard, Strong, Fast
    42. Farhan: Happiness, Laughter, Happy, Cheerful Boy
    43. Asad: Lion, Virtuous, Fortunate
    44. Abdullah: Servant Of Allah, Obedient, Name Of Prophet’s Father
    45. Ahad: One, Unique, Matchless, Another Name For God
    46. Aaron: Exalted One, Enlightened, High Mountain
    47. Arabi: Arabian
    48. Faisal: Decisive, Judge, Authority, Arbitrator
    49. Ayaz: A Servant Of Sultan Mehmood, Cool Breeze and Night Breeze
    50. Ahmed: Praise Worthy, Noble, Commendable, Name Of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
    51. Afan: To Forgive, A Person Who Forgives, Modest
    52. Kiyan: Being, Existence, Essence, Surname Of Persian King
    53. Abrar: Virtuous, Pious, Great Man
    54. Sameer: Jovial, Beneficial, Entertaining Companion, Good Friend
    55. Hasan: Beautiful, Gentle, Handsome Man, Grandson Of Prophet
    56. Aman: Safety, Protection, Peace
    57. Umair: Life, Long-Lived, Intelligent Man
    58. Ahmad: Praiseworthy, Commendable, Noble, Admirable
    59. Shoaib: A Guide, Name Of Prophet, Who Shows The Right Path 
    60. Usman: Wise, Most Powerful
    61. Arsalan: Lion, Brave man, Warrior In Afghan
    62. Ahil: Emperor, Ruler, Great Leader
    63. Talha: Kind Of A Tree, Fruitful Tree From Heaven, Companion’s Name
    64. Noman: Blood, Advice Counselor, Men With Blessings Of Allah
    65. Zaid: Growth, Progress, Increment, Superabundance, Addition
    66. Saif: Sword, Sabre, symbolic Of Liberty and Strength
    67. Kaif: Pleasure, Spirit, Exhilaration, A State Of Joy
    68. Owais: Fearless, Experienced Person, Companion of Prophet
    69. Taha: Pure, Mystic, Name Of a Surah, Prophet’s Name
    70. Bilal: Moistening, The Prophet’s Companion
    71. Haris: Vigilant, Watchman, Cultivator, Agnomen Of Lion
    72. Maaz: Brave Man, Refuge, Shelter, Companion Of Prophet
    73. Sarim: Brave, Courageous, Sharp Sword
    74. Abaan: Mountain’s Name, Clear, Name Of A Companion
    75. Husnain: Elegant, Handsome Boy, Combined Name Of Prophet’s Grandsons
    76. Sohail: Shining Star, Gentle, Ease
    77. Adyan: Religious, Pious, Creeds, Plural Of Deen
    78. Uzair: The Biblical Ezra Is The English Language Equivalent
    79. Zubair: Strong, firm, powerful, intelligent, wise
    80. Arif: Knowledgeable, Learned, Expert, Authority
    81. Hussain: Good, Handsome, Beautiful
    82. Azhar: Flowers, Blossoms, The Most Shining LUMINOUS
    83. Izhaan: Submission, Obedience, Follower of God’s Rules
    84. Hammad: Praised, Admirable, One Who Praises
    85. Haider: Lion, Virtuous, Fortunate, Brave Man
    86. Rayyan: Door Of Heaven, Beautifier, Luxuriant, Plentiful
    87. Kashif: Reveler, Explainer, Discovered
    88. Azan: Call To Prayer, Power, Strength
    89. Azaan: Call To Prayer, Power, Strength
    90. Shahzaib: Crown Of A King, Like A King
    91. Ammar: Long-Lived, God-Fearing, Pious
    92. Islam: Peace, Peaceful, Very Safe
    93. Ibrahim: Intimate friend, Father Of Multitude, Prophet’s Name
    94. AbuTurab: Clay’s Father, An Attributive Of Caliph Ali
    95. Nadeem: Variant Of Nadim: Companion, Confidant, Friend, Repentant. Regretful
    96. Murshad: Spiritual Guide, Preacher, Cleric, Advisor
    97. Kabir: Great, Aged, Senior, Venerable, Reverend, Respected
    98. Arshan: Strong And Brave Man, 
    99. Zahid: Devout, Ascetic. One Who Renounces The World And Is Fully Devoted To Allah
    100. Daniyal: Intelligent Man, A Famous Intellectual, Name Of Prophet.

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