How Many Countries are in the World

How Many Countries are in the World

There are 195 countries in the world today, comprising 193 countries that are member states of the United Nations and 2 countries that are non-member observer states, which are the Holy See and the State of Palestine.

How Many Countries are in Africa

    • There are 54 countries in Africa

The Smallest Country in the World

    • Vatican City, with 0.44 square kilometers.

The Largest Countries in Africa by Area

The largest countries in Africa by area are as follows:

    • Algeria – 2,381,741 square kilometers
    • Democratic Republic of the Congo – 2,344,858 square kilometers
    • Sudan – 1,861,484 square kilometers
    • Libya – 1,759,540 square kilometers
    • Chad – 1,284,000 square kilometers
    • Niger – 1,267,000 square kilometers
    • Angola – 1,246,700 square kilometers
    • Mali – 1,240,192 square kilometers
    • South Africa – 1,221,037 square kilometers
    • Ethiopia – 1,104,300 square kilometers

List of Beautiful Countries in the World

    • Pakistan
    • New Zealand
    • Italy
    • Greece
    • Norway
    • Spain
    • Egypt
    • Vietnam
    • Switzerland
    • Turkey
    • Japan
    • South Africa
    • USA
    • Colombia
    • Tanzania
    • Mexico
    • Kenya
    • India
    • France
    • Papua New Guinea
    • Comoros
    • Ecuador
    • Vanuatu
    • Solomon Islands
    • Philippines
    • Peru
    • Australia
    • Costa Rica
    • Argentina
    • Grenada
    • Malaysia
    • Tonga
    • Iran
    • Saint Vincent & the Grenadines
    • Saint Kitts & Nevis
    • Chile
    • China
    • Samoa
    • Bolivia
    • Nicaragua
    • Eritrea
    • Jamaica
    • Cape Verde
    • Thailand
    • Venezuela
    • El Salvador
    • Myanmar
    • Uganda
    • Iceland
    • Russia
    • Dominican Republic

Countries that are Popular due to their Natural Beauty

    • Switzerland
    • New Zealand
    • Pakistan
    • Norway
    • Italy
    • Canada
    • Iceland
    • Greece
    • Scotland
    • Australia
    • Japan
    • France
    • Papua New Guinea
    • Comoros
    • Ecuador
    • Vanuatu
    • Solomon Islands
    • Philippines
    • Peru
    • Costa Rica
    • Kenya
    • Tanzania
    • Mexico
    • Malaysia
    • Tonga
    • Iran
    • Saint Vincent & the Grenadines
    • Saint Kitts & Nevis
    • Chile
    • China
    • Samoa
    • Bolivia
    • Nicaragua
    • Eritrea
    • Jamaica
    • Cape Verde
    • Thailand
    • Venezuela
    • El Salvador
    • Myanmar
    • Uganda
    • Iceland
    • Russia
    • Dominican Republic
    • Northern Mariana Islands
    • Haiti
    • Panama
    • Sweden

Beautiful Capital Cities of the World

    1. London, England
    2. Islamabad, Pakistan
    3. Paris, France
    4. Berlin, Germany
    5. Moscow, Russia
    6. Ottawa, Canada
    7. Rome, Italy
    8. Tokyo, Japan
    9. Washington DC, United States
    10. Vienna, Austria

The Top 5 Most Populous Countries in Asia

The top 5 most populous countries in Asia are:

    • India – 1.429 billion
    • China – 1.426 billion
    • Indonesia – 278 million
    • Pakistan – 240 million
    • Bangladesh – 173 million

The Population of Pakistan

The population of Pakistan is approximately 243,882,362 as of March 22, 2024, based on the latest United Nations data.

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